Starring: Narimiya Hiroki, Naka Riisa.
So, okay. Narimiya Hiroki ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I love him. I really do. *Sigh* He is one of the few J-actors I have a long term fangirl crush on, and this does not happen often!
As you may have noticed, YKtMC is the manga that I have featured in my blog banner. I sure hope the live action will live up to the manga. Sure, there's Narimiya, but he better make a good Shinagawa, or else!
On the other end of my fan girl spectrum, the Ayu items I ordered have finally arrived! *SQUEAL*

Endless sorrow (2001) and You were.../BALLAD (first press) + B3 Poster (2009)! Endless sorrow is one of my all-time favourite songs by her, and when I found someone selling it for only USD1 (!!!!!!!) why would I let that opportunity go! You were.../BALLAD also from the same seller, first press and all, man. This one cost USD10, but when you calculate the shipping and whatnot, it is seriously cheaper than what could've been. Total amount I spent of these, USD21.
I was desperate to get the first press edition, because it featured an alternative cover card (bottom right) and it's just so beautiful! Heck, I was even willing to pay USD40 when I saw it at CDJ, but I didn't follow through, my hope is crushed, and I will never get it. Now I DOO!

Also, I just got my Secret poster from Riku! It's gorgeous, and HUGE! Compare it with the size of the CDs. Yes, I have two You were.../BALLAD posters, oh God, what am I gonna do with them. DD:

Updated collection! Singles, albums, remix/compilations & lives!