Friday, May 28, 2010

Cliff Richard's Wedding

Cliff Richard bin Ukoi, that is.

Little backstory here: His older step-brother was a big fan of Cliff Richard, an English singer, actor and businessman. And ta-daaa, it becomes the little brother's name.

They'll never know the difference.

Honestly though, I was never close to this side of the family, so I only knew his real name when the imam announced it, haha. We kept referring to him as "Uncle Jul", and who knows where that came from. My mum is a Dusun(ese?), and I'm not sure if it's part of their culture, but they tend to give and use nicknames instead of their real names.

My mum, for example, was named Samara. Her family and friends would refer to her as Sara. All this time, I just assumed it was a (weird) shortened form of Samara, until one day, when she told us of the origin of that nickname. She was born in December 1962. Remember the 1962 Rebellion? Yeah. Her parents were hiding away in the forests, and that was where my mum was born. It was a time of misery for them. Misery in Malay is Sengsara. That is, people, how she was called Sara. My mum said she was going to be named Sengsara for real, but apparently people back then were really bad at spelling, so lucky my mummy!

Since my mum converted, she changed her name as well. Of course, her family continued calling her Sara. Anyway, my mum no realised what a unique name she had and wish she had kept it instead. I love that name too, and if I ever have kids one day, I WANT that name! Haha.

I was supposed to talk about the Nikah right? Lol. Well, I felt like this was more interesting anyway.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Forgotten;--- NOT. :)

Hey, hey!

So, forgetful Majin huh? Haven't changed in the past four years since I first started this blog, have I? I did not exactly forgot about this blog, more like, I've been lazy. Everyone has that period, right? Some has more than others, like me. Haha :)

So what the hell is up with life? Nothing much. See, if I continue to update my blog, most of the posts will look like this. Nevertheless, I'll try again!

I've started my attachment at RTB earlier this month, to gain experience on the course I'm about to take, or so I say. That, and also I really, REALLY wanted to quit working at my aunt's office. I was SO sick of lists. Like seriously, that's all I ever type, be it quotations, invoices, etc. So sick I was of it, up to the point of waking up every morning for work with a -bad- word. Not the most motivational, but hey :/

"So, how's your attachment?" MY GOD, I hate this question, mainly because I really don't know how to answer it, and I always stutter and hesitate when answering. What I actually do during the attachment, is sit and stare. No, seriously. I sort of did more than that, like I would follow them around from one studio to another, but I mainly just stand around like a tool. I feel bad for not knowing how to help them, but I'm sure that they understand that I have no experience in it whatsoever right?

I still have two more months to go.

It's taking suuuuuuuch a long time.


I'm sick of life.

Bleh. What? I'm already sick of this adult life that I'm supposedly moving towards to. I miss having no responsibilites, besides the usual homework and whaddasheet, if you consider those homeworks, more like burdens actually.

I'm blabbing. Haha. I want money. I want to buy some Ayu stuff.