Friday, August 06, 2010

My first free day--

My first free day in weeks, and I decided to go to the tamu. There were already a lot of people shopping for goods. I bought mangosteens. Like, 3KG of them. I love them so much, and yet I rarely eat it. It's one of those fruits that I don't think I can ever get tired of.


That was all what's left of it at night. We bought like, five times that amount. I'm not the only one, but I think I ate the most. Heh.

My parents also bought a male hamster for my brother. We already bought two female hamsters last two weeks from the same place. Now, I'm worried about their future. Who the hell is going to take care of the baby hamsters if they get along, and who's gonna handle the dead if they don't? D:


I decided to name him Lucky after my 3-year-old nephew's suggestion. Lucky, mainly because he's already got two ladies at his disposal, Poo and Paw. Poo is named so because, well, she's the lazier between the two who sleeps and poos all day long. Paw is the more active one and likes to run on the wheel a lot. She also grooms herself with her paws a lot too, so yeah.

So now we have three hamsters. Will the numbers increase or decrease in the next few weeks?! STAY TUNE, FOLKS!

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