The 47th NHK Taiga Drama is a life story of Atsuhime who was born in Kagoshima Prefecture, then called Satsuma, and became the wife of Tokugawa Iesada, the 13th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. She accedes to the highest rank in Ooku, the inner palace of the Edo castle where women related to the reigning shogun resided. Iesada dies soon after their marriage and Atsuhime assumes the name Tenshoin at the age of 23. She exerts herself for the Tokugawa clan and for the nation during the upheaval in the Meiji Restoration, headed by those from Satsuma.
--Quoted from DramaWiki
It stars Miyazaki Aoi, one of the main reasons I first wanted to watch this. Besides that, Horikita Maki and Matsuda Shota are going to make appearances in the later episodes. And there's also Eita! I never thought Taiga dramas would have these young and popular actors playing in them, you know.
I'm downloading the torrents from d-addicts, because I've been searching for this series at online video-streaming sites, but there was none. Probably since taiga dramas are always sooooo long. This one itself consist of around 50+ episodes. Starting from the day Atsuhime was born, and who knows, probably until her death at age 49.
At the same time, I'm also watching Seigi no Mikata, starring Shida Mirai and Yamada Yu. And there's Hongo Kanata too! This one
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