Friday, July 25, 2008

Hello. I updated.

OMG, why the hell is my blogger dashboard in MALAY? Well, at least I understood enough Malay to change the language back to English. Man, I hate standard Malay. =_____= I'm surprised they didn't spell "blog" as "belog" or any other uglified spelling.

This week has been a pretty...boring one. That's basically why I haven't been updating. Because if I did, I'd be ranting about the boredom and the stress caused by the boredom as well as other boredom and stress-related stuff. Besides, I am ohsolazy.

With all the lack of inspiration in my life, I didn't even bother to open Photoshop, which I would normally do when I'm bored. None of the things I made is working out T__T
But, today, I finally got up and tried to do a little something and the results are:

Flourish brush by Selenahearts@DA

OHNOES! It's Ayu! It's Shu-ya! It's AyuShuya!!! D:

I already filled my previous post with their faces, so I won't do it again or else I'd lose all the readers of my blog altogether. At least, not now. XD

My family has been going out quite a lot this week, but I didn't join in any of them. Other than the fact that I was lazy, I was also exhausted. They like going out at 7PM or 8PM, which is basically my time to cool down from all the work at school. I know my parents worked alonger and my sister comes home later from school than me, but still. I'm not all enthusiastic to go out and see the world, which is basically the same thing. x__x I hope they don't get the wrong impression or anything. I just love an evening INSIDE my house.

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