Thursday, March 13, 2008

Because I Don't Care

First of all, I want to say that I can not wait for the holidays to start. I'm so tired. I don't really know what I'm tired of. Or why I'm tired. But does it really matter? This may be a petty excuse but can I say I'm just tired of walking from clas to class, and the fact that currently 3 of my classes are maths-related?
  • Maths has always been...maths-related.
  • Physics is just sooo...mathematical. I never realised how mathematical it was when I was in Form 4 and Form 5, probably because I never really paid attention in class.
  • Economics...oh God. The formulas and equations started pouring in.

(yay for bullet-points)

Just imagine, squishing my brain for 7 periods, 3.5 hours every school day for these lessons. GP isn't helping much because I'm starting to get bored with it and also because I can't relax. My teacher reshuffled us into new groups and frankly saying, damn it. And currently we're doing discussing for debate which is more like...a silent moment for all of us. That's why today I didn't join in the discussion but just hung out with Sya and Pinji at the other end of the library. No, I did not escape. My teacher was sitting somehwere behind me so she could obviously see me, right? Do I care? No. Bleah. Whatevaaaar.

See...this is what happens when I update my blog. I rant rant rant rant and nothing else. I'll try to change the subject.

We had kendo today! After so many weeks of having random, lame, useless assemblies, we finally get to have CCA again. I don't get that school. It's so contradicting. They expect us to stay fit so they made us take up two CCAs, one sport and one non-sport. Then, every possible assembly for every little thing is held DURING CCA period. Wtf? And most of us did nothing anyway, other than sitting down on the hard, plastic blue chairs or the more comfortable green ones while gawking at the elongated flowery speeches by God-knows-who. Oh yay. I was supposed to talk about kendo, right?

So like, like, like, I was honestly not in the mood to move my muscles today. Good thing I'm considered a *cough*senior*cough* so with an excuse of lending my shinai to the juniors, heheh, we just observe them and correct their mistakes. LOL. Though I guess I should've joined in. My basics gone fly fly never come back leh. Then I became one of the receivers for men cut. After a somewhat long time, my right arm started to ache so Kaza took my position as the receiver while I took her position as the observer. I actually pity these juniors because they didn't have as many lessons as we did last year during the first term and also because they don't have a decent place with wooden flooring, we're using the concourse with tiled floor instead.


Um, Kaza said I became emo? Just because I don't care how the world goes by anymore? ftwftwftwftwftw. She asked why I'm not training that much anymore, I said that I don't know, I don't care. She said, "I thought you were obsessed with Kendo?" and I replied saying that I still do love kendo, but I just lost my obsession towards it. I was being brutally honest with her, and myself, I guess because, OH NO, I don't care?! D:

Then there's this senpai I haven't seen in a friggin long time came to our school. He was the uh...senpai in this post. It was during the seniors' turn for training, and I was wondering why Riku was calling out my name in a weird, musical way from my back, "Majiiiiin~" So when I turned, obviously I was shocked to see him. But then I focused back on my training, and all went well until training ended. After that, I told Riku that I'm over that incident, not feeling embarrassed or whatsoever. Who knows, maybe because I felt like I don't care much that day, I guess. So she challenged me to go over and say hi to him. Well, of course I did, additionally, I said, "and I'm not embarrassed anymore!" He was wondering what I was talking about, but at that time I already literally jumped away from the scene and went to my friends. Then Riku reminded him about that incident, turns out he still remembered! XD And that was like last year, man! In an attempt to embarrass Riku, I talked to him and just blurted out, "You know, she even thinks I like you. Please lah." Hahahaha, poor Riku, her facial expression was literally 'D:' when she said, "I can't believe you said that! Why so honest?!" ...see, this is what you get when you just don't give a crap about a thing anymore.

See, long post. Very long. Oh well. Hahaha. I don't update that much anyway.

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