Thursday, February 14, 2008

Because life sucks?

We had Chinese new Year celebration at school today. OHMEHGAWD LION DANCE! Yeah, I'll skip the rest and shall go straight to the lion dancing. The lions are so...cute. There were four of them, and only had two people per lion, the head and the tail, short, they're sooo cute. One of the many amusing parts were the fact that they were...kissing and...mating? What is that, man? To ensure fertility of the future generation or something?! 0_o There was also one part where they went around the canteen area. Hah. I seriously don't know how to describe the excitement of watching the lion dance. Euphoria~ XD

March past practice! My god. Please, we thought you were funny during the first day. BUT, now the jokes are getting old, man. Seriously. Last one at school, last one with the instructors. Now that they won't be there anymore, we are seriously going to be....LARAK. Hmm.

One a whole different matter, I still can not believe that I took Physics, Economics and Maths. WTF is up with me, picking all this maths-related subjects? D: And, dude, I can not believe that I talk about entering universities with my mum. Like, for sure I WILL enter a uni. I'm not even sure whether I can get through my A Levels, heck, even AS Levels! DD:

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