Sunday, November 02, 2008


Hi blog. I miss you. As usual. :P My blog posts these days are few and far in between. And it's not even because I'm on an "hiatus". Besides, there's a difference, whether you're on a "hee-ya-toos" or "hai-a-tes", right Mu-izz-Zah? XD

Yeah, so anyway, I haven't really been revising, so I can't really use that to explain my absence. I'm probably procrastinating. PROBABLY. There's so many things I want to talk about, but I keep on procrastinating. That is just sad.

I already did both my Pure Maths and Statistics paper. The verdict: Definitely re-taking. Ha. Ha. I think I did really crappy for Pure, and as for Statistics, I did not revise at all. Probably a flip through the past year papers booklet, and listened to the discussions in my maths class, but that's about it. But this year's Stats paper, IMO, is somewhat easier than the papers that we revised with. Like, FTW.

Now, I want to focus on Econs, which will be my very last paper. EVAR. MUAHAHA. For this year, at least. Unfortunately, being in Maktab Sains, we are going to start the new syllabus straight afterwards. Geez. Thanks alot.

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