I ran away from home last wednesday. My parents hate me. To no other than the Menglait Sports Complex along with my gi and hakama and shinai only. I saw some senpais on the way there. It felt awkward. Now, I'm living in the toilet. Posting using my phone. So slow.
True story is: My dad was late. He was not home by 6.30PM. So I decided to walk to training with my maid. It turns out to be longer than expected. And yeah, I saw some senpais and greeted each other with a smile. Yes, it did feel awkward. XD
We did kiri kaeshi, and well, I don't think the girl I partner up with was much experienced in that. It was kinda risky doing it with her. Knocked my head a few times. Almost hit my face. And when it was her turn to receive, well, guess it was my fault. I didn't move much and was out of reach. Man, dangerous.
Anyway, other than that, usual training.
Thursday. Wasn't concentrating much. Did the economics exercise unenthusiastically. Sleepy during A.Maths. English... I was down right blank. Man, no wonder I'm a student at risk. Yes, that title still haunts me.
CCA time. Audi was used by a bunch of primary school choir. Had to use the girl's hostel. Which I don't like. They have carpeted floor. Not fun. Pinji didn't join the training again :( Muafah and I were in a hurry in changing our clothes. We started thirty minutes late, at 11.30. Great, more time wasted. Thank you. Gladly, we didn't have to do the ashi sabaki. We did Do and kote uchikomi geiko, which was hard because my Do still suck. And I notice a particular someone who likes to make ugly faces at ugly Dos. He decided that we should do Do kiri kaeshi. Stationary. Ramzul was the victim. We were supposed to hit him according to ranks. Unfortunately I was up fourth because they knew my name. Great. It was supposed to be Muafah's turn, a B-rank. It was also Ramzul's first shiai. Against Ali. Right. Guess who won. 16-1. Well, at least Ramzul did get one point.
Surprisingly, the training ended at 12.30. On time. USually it was a bit longer and since we started late, it was suppose to be longer. But I guess the senpais were fed up or something. Sigh. Then, Lylah and I rushed to the lecture theater for our Nihongo class. Aircon broke down. I was hot in my gi and hakama. Greeeat. More singing for us. And this time someone suggested us singing a malay song too! No way. Dame desu. And I have to buy some pastel-coloured blouse as the uniform. GAHHHH. I sarcastically and repeatedly told them to search the minus one themselves because I did not agree on the song. Also a Fruit Basket song. I didn't care about that but I prefer to sing a YUI song which was rejected last year. So, I am still sad.
Anyway, 1.30PM. Went to Kaza's class and waited for her. SHe turned up with Muiz and Lylah. Riku came along. Kaza helped me with fumikomi and kata. She wanted me to try the continuous fumikomi with hurt like hell because of the tiled floor. Then, Muiz and Kaza busy polishing up their kata while Riku wanted me to help her with kiri kaeshi. I had Lylah to record us because Riku wanted to see her footwork.
First attempt. Riku was too far and ended up poking me in the stomach. And Lylah had that recorded. It was funny. But I was in pain. Still. Funny. XD Man, two mishaps involving kirikaeshi in two days. I am starting to get freaked out every time we have to do that now.
Other attempts were better, although I was still shaken by what just happened. Haha. After that, Riku and Lylah went to their classes and the only ones left were Kaza, Muiz and me. LOL and I learnt some secrets too. Well, not exactly secrets, but they are the unspoken things among the kendokas. LOLLL. Anyway, end of the secret session, and Muiz talked about martial arts. Kaza seemed...distracted and uninterested. But man, that dude is like a walking martial art encyclopedia.
Then, Kaza went home. Muiz went..somewhere. And I went to the canteen after changing my clothes to watch the interhouse Drama competition. Man. What happened to teh Pahlawan spark last year? They've been pushed to the bottom since the start of this year. I'venever been an avid supported of Pahlawan though I am "officially" one, but really now, they're just one sad sad house.
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