So, june's here. :D
So, tommorow's the last day of school. :DD
So, it's one more week to the 3-day June Inter-School Kendo Workshop. :DDD
...And I still have some homeworks not completed. Bad, bad me.
Kendo was fun yesterday. We didn't have that "OMGHE'SGONNAEATUS" feeling floating around in our stomach, Riku got her new white gi and hakama, we wasted half an hour moving the tables and chairs aside and wearing and helping Riku putting on her hakama, and in no particular order, yes, it was all good. Except when we had to do the 100 hayai suburi, bahhhhh. Yes, thank you, senpai, we all love you. Y'know, somehow, sometimes I feel like hayai suburi is equivalent to push-ups in some other sport, like about it being a punishment of some sort. Other than that, we learned tango. Well, in kendo terms, we call it 'sliding footwork'. XD I was glad it was Combat who led us throughout the training, not Mr.Beetroot-redface or Mr. Igetpissedoffeasilynowadays. Yeah, lame names I gave them but you should be able to guess who I'm talking about.
Oh yeah. Yesterday, I met my cousins, one was in form 1 and the other in form 2 of a school which I shall not disclose its name. They told that their friends joined kendo because of the'handsome' instructors. I mean, c'mon, they should at least say 'cute', or 'hot' or 'cool', not HANDSOME. Very, very old school. XD
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