Thursday, January 18, 2007


Ahhhhhhh. Official kendo lesson started today. I must say, it was FUNNNNNNNNN.

I have admit, at first, I wanted to join kendo just because it's japanese and it sounds cool. But NOW, I'm in love with kendo, because of kendo! Kills my legs though, but nevermind that. It's the fun that matters, to me, for now. It might get harder as time goes by, but I'll try to cope with it. I know we just had our first lesson, but I feel like I want my own shinai already! No. Not to show-off or to poke some random people (NOT ANYMORE, THAT IS), but, I guess it inspires me? or something. I'm starting to look forward to every kendo practice after this. Okay, some may say, "wtf maj, stfu and go to hell with your kendo yapping." But hey, can't I be excited for something I'm beginning to feel passionate about once in a while?

Other than that, school. For the time being, yes, I managed to submit all my homework on time, and I managed to keep my focus on the whiteboard for more than 30 minutes per lesson. That is an improvement, i tell you~!! Be happy for me!! I foud a tuiton school, but haven't asked my parents yet. Wish me luck.

Okay. 6 more days to next kendo practice. I wanna join the federation. But I guess that's too much for my parents already. O levels dude!

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