Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I just realised that my previous post was the 100th one. That is quite surprising. usually when I write in blogs, I would normally get fed up some time and end up deleting it. *shrug*

My exams ended today. I'm supposed to go all "Yay!" But well, you see, I'm not. Partly because I know I sucked, partly because...IT'S NOT YET OVER. Oh the horrorzzz. The eal thing is just...some time away.

And, and, and...more bad news! CCA is ending in a few more weeks! GAAAA. That was the only time I have for Kendo and now it's ending? D: I can't come to wednesday trainings, too!

...Maybe I should negotiate with my dad. GAAAAAAA.

Why is life so cruel?

Hah. Now I sound so...lame.

________________________0(_ _)0________tasuketeee~__________

Ja, until some other time.

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