Friday, May 18, 2007


Just one more test to go. And it's English. And we're supposed to write a composition in one hour. The horrors. It's been a few years since the last time I wrote a decent story, and now, sigh.

So, how did my Econ and A. Maths test go? Very dreadfully, thank you very much. The stupid assembly was longer than usual, and we lost fifteen minutes. We're had to write essays for the test, which requires thinking, calculation, and most importantly, time, which we lacked. Obviously, ALL of us did not have enough time, and I didn't manage to answer two ESSAY questions, which cost 5 marks and 6 marks respectively. I did not purposely leave them unaswered, I just decided to answer other questions first, but I didn't have enough time to go back to those two questions. And I added in a lot of unnecessary crap as well. I feel so depressed.

My a.maths test? As you all know, I did not study for it, I did not care a single bit, and yes, I shall fail it. I don't care. Let her be disappointed and stuff. I don't like the topics. I don't care if I do sound selfish right now, but seriously, I've given up hope on A.Maths.

Lalalala CCA time.

Well, this time, we didn't rush wearing our hakama n gi. We took turns putting on our gi in the toilet, and went backstage to put on our hakama. Obviously, we had pants undernetah, so there was nothing to worry about. Funny thing is, while we were busy tying our hakamas, a pair of Form Two boys pushed the curtains open to grab the brooms, and saw us. Then they blushed and covered their eyes and turned away. The others didn't notice since they were behind their backs, but I did. I just smiled and told the kid, "No worries, nothing fancy to look at here," since I was the first to finish and met them again in front of the stage, where they somehow...automatically covered their eyes again. Darn adorable little juniors of mine. XD But don't worry, I'm not a pedo. But it was really funny. :D

alilaliali had new WHITE gi hakama set. And a new haircut, I think. And he looked oh so bright I thought he was some japanese girl visiting our school. I first saw him when I went out from the backstage, and almost bumped into him due to shock. XD And just so you know, I did not do it on purpose. Anyway, we had the usual training, until we had to divide ourselves into 3 rows, where each row does a "men", "do" and "kote". I obviously suck at "do", and I think the praises I got from alialiali are somehow, just automatic responses. Andandand, when I was in the "men" group, gawwwwwwd, I did something truly embarassing. As usual, I kiai-ed loud and clear, but instead of shouting "men", I shouted "do", to the amusement of my group mates, as well as some from the group next to us. Oh the horrorz. It was becaue the "do" group's kiai was so loud and I kinda, I don't know. Haha.

I don;t need to revise for English right? Well, I actually did. By reading books, since last night til now, and I have complete 2 and a half books. I read "20, 00 Leagues Under The Sea", "Great Expectations" and currently reading "Little Women". I also finished reading "Sleeping Beauty" and "the Little Mermaid" along with other compilations of stories. I know, Classics. Haha, I don;t know, I just like their language. I hope they will help inspire me for tommorow's test.

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