Monday, November 19, 2007


Lol heyhey bloggie, been busy. XD

Yesterday, I had two choices. ICC - Kendo demo, or Katak's place - singing practice. I actually wanted to go to ICC, but somestuffhappenedduetoacertainsomeoneandIampracticallytiredofheranticsbutI'mnotgoingtomentionwhosheisbecauseeveryoneisfrickininlovewither
so I decided to go to Katak's place. I was supposed to accompany her to some jamming studio where there is a piano or keyboard available so that she can practice with Andy for a talent show they're joining next year. Andy's playing the piano and she's singing. Great combo, because Andy's a good pianist and Katak's a good singer. They're sining Iwao Junko - Scarlet.

lol Anyway, both jamming studios we went to were closed and the keyboard was not available respectively, so, suggested by Andy's father, we decided to go to his house since he has a piano.

It was awkward at first. We were in a guy's house, and it was his own father who sent us there. AWKWAAAARRRDDDD. But then, his family was friendly so we finally managed to settle down and eat the cake Katak baked for Andy, it was his birthday. XD It was good, but she was in denial. XD

So yeah, they practiced while I just...sat there and did nothing. But Katak was too shy to sing, so we ended up sitting at the dinner table and chat-chat. We played the Clow Cards, haha predicitng stuff. So many weird questions were asked. My questions were, will I ever get to meet Yui? Will I go to Japan one day? And will I *toooooot*? XD Haha stupid answers those damn cards gave.

Then, we went back to Katak's house. Andy's dad sent us back. I feel guilty DD:

So yeah, lol, we were talking about Katak's Curse song and story. I helped her translate some parts of the song into japanese, at least the ones that I;m sure of. Then, finally, I went home at 7.30pm.

The end :D

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